Accel ViewTIFF Plug-in
Discontinued product


Accel ViewTIFF is no longer available from Acordex. If you have a previously purchased copy of Accel ViewTIFF and are re-installing it, please bear in mind that it may be compatible not be compatible with a newer computer. You can expect propoer opertation only on the version of operating system (Windows or OS X) and the version of browser (IE, Firefox, Opera, Camino) that you originally used with Accel ViewTIFF.

With these restrictions in mond, the following information may be useful if you need to re-install your existing software.


  1. Locate your copy of "AccelViewTIFF.msi" (a windows MSI installer file) or "AccelVT.exe" (installer program).

    This software is no longer available from Acordex, so we cannot send you a new copy of your software.
  2. Locate the file that you downloaded and double-click on it to run it. If asked, select a folder to expand the installer files into then click "Unzip".
  3. After expanding the installer files, the installer will automatically be run, click the "Install" button to install the plug-in/Active X control for the selected browser(s).
  4. Close all browser windows and restart your browser to activate the plug-in/Active X control.
  5. You may run the installer again and click "Uninstall" to remove the plug-in/Active X control from your system and restore the original state of your system.

Note for Windows Vista or Windows 7 users.
Acordex recommends that you consult your Windows Administrator before installing AccelViewTIFF on any "Windows Vista" or "Windows 7" operating system. AccelViewTIFF requires that the "protected mode" feature in Internet Explorer (Version 7, 8, 9) be disabled. If it is not, AccelViewTIff will not be able to save or print images. "Protected Mode" can be disabled by any one of the following methods:

  • Manually controlling the protected mode status whenever you want to run AccelViewTIFF.
  • Turning UAC (User Access Control) off
  • Selecting the Internet Explorer "Security" tab, disable "protected mode" for "Trusted Sites". You would also need to define the sites of interest (eg - the USPTO website as "trusted sites".


  1. Locate your copy of "AccelViewTIFF Installer.pkg" for OS X 10.5 and above. Double-click it.

    This software is no longer available from Acordex, so we cannot send you a new copy of your software.
  2. If you get a message saying it's "from an unidentified developer," see our help FAQ about GateKeeper
  3. Quit and restart your browser (Firefox or Camino) to activate the plug-in.
  4. Disable Quicktime TIFF viewing. In Firefox, use the Tools->Add-ons menu->Plugins tab.
  5. If your browser is running in 64-bit mode you will get a yellow banner at the top of your browser window when opening an image with Accel ViewTIFF. You will need to click on "restart in 32-bit mode".
  6. You may run the installer again and click "Uninstall" to remove the plug-in from your system.

For OS X 10.8, Acordex recommends Camino.

Note for Firefox 12 users.
You will need to remove Quicktime from your Internet plug-ins folder in order to use Accel ViewTIFF.

Note for Safari users.
Unfortunately, Safari does not allow plug-ins to handle images, so Accel ViewTIFF cannot work with Safari.